
In Honor of Today

I thought about posting a bogus blog, but then I thought that might not go over well. Instead, in honor of April Fool's Day, I have posted 15 statements. 10 of the statements are true and the rest are false. It's your job to decipher fact from fiction. How well do you know me?

1. I've given live performances in downtown Nashville.
2. I was the poster child for the local Rutherford County 4-H club in elementary school.
3. I took a taxi for free when I was in Guatemala.
4. I hitchhiked across El Salavador
5. My new favorite snack is celery with peanut butter
6. I once campaigned for a US Congressman
7. I've been on national TV numerous times
8. I've hiked over 150 miles in the Great Smoky Mountains
9. My first car was a 1997 Corolla
10. I made it through Dallas airport in 30 minutes to catch a flight
11. I earned my 3rd degree brown belt in karate
12. I was born in Smyrna, Tennessee
13. I met one of the original Munchkin men when I was 19
14. I'm a closet Diet DP fan
15. I've given live performances in Honolulu, Hawaii


Dave said...

Hmm... I'll give it a shot. I'll guess the false ones are: 3, 5, 7, 10, 13. Am I even close?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe 4, 5, 11, 12, 14

Michele G said...

You're close...or maybe not :-P I'll post the answers in a few days. Anyone else dare to give it a shot? ;o)

crittermer said...

Here's a stab: 4,6,7,12,14. I hope I haven't been fooled too much.=)