
The Results Are Here

Here are the results to the quiz I posted a few days ago. No one got them all right though some were close. I'll admit, it was a little tricky. Guess you guys don't know me as well as you think you do ;o)

1. I've given live performances in downtown Nashville.
2. I was the poster child for the local Rutherford County 4-H club in elementary school.
False. Never even heard of such a thing.
3. I took a taxi for free when I was in Guatemala.
False. We rode the beloved HTI Microbus everywhere
4. I hitchhiked across El Salavador
I plead the 5th on this one
5. My new favorite snack is celery with peanut butter
False. Celery??? Eeewww!!!
6. I once campaigned for a US Congressman
True. I was one of the little kids in Congressman Bart Gordon's 1988 campaign commercial.
7. I've been on national TV numerous times
True. Ever heard of the Pride of the Southland Marching Band?
8. I've hiked over 150 miles in the Great Smoky Mountains
9. My first car was a 1997 Corolla
False. I suppose no one remembers my beloved 1989 Grand-Am
10. I made it through Dallas airport in 30 minutes to catch a flight
Amazing but true (see one of my January post for details)
11. I earned my 3rd degree brown belt in karate
True. I was 2 degrees away from earning my black belt.
12. I was born in Smyrna, Tennessee
False. It was actually Murfreesboro, TN (Smyrna didn't have a hospital at the time)
13. I met one of the original Munchkin men when I was 19
True. One of the many interesting events that happened while working for the Grand Ole Opry
14. I'm a closet Diet DP fan
True. I keep saying I'm trying to give up caffeine but secretly I love Diet DP
15. I've given live performances in Honolulu, Hawaii
True. It was the "educational" portion of our high school band trip to Hawaii.


Asterix said...

What happened in El Salavador? Pray tell.

Michele G said...
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