
Street Musician Seeks Work

Ever feel like you've studied and studied for something and when you take the test you could have done just as well going in there blind knowing nothing about the subject? Yeah...the past four hours of my life were just spent like that. So be looking for me playing on your local street corner soon because I think I just failed my thorax exam. Oh well, how was I supposed to know the relationship of the azygos vein to the greater splanchnic nerve at TV 9 or what that tiny nerve fiber pinned in a mass of something innervates? I just hope the powers that be are gracious in grading our tests this afternoon.

Yeah, it hasn't been too great of a week so far. The problem when you move somewhere new is that you have to leave the old behind. I really miss my friends and church families back in ktwown and home. I just haven't found the same up here. I went to the JC version of the CSC last night for a devo. I don't know if it was just the attitude of the group at that moment or what but the atmosphere just seemed immature and spiritually unfocused instead of the encouragement and strengthening I was hoping I'd find. On the other hand, one of the guys in my study group showed me a really encouraging verse last night on our study break. I like the Message's version of it (from Psalm 94): "When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down and cheered me up....God became my hideout, God was my high mountain retreat."
I can't wait til this weekend, FREE of studying, filled with spending time with old friends and hopefully a little Big Orange football (once a Vol always a Vol). Knoxvegas here I come!

Well, I'd better get back to class. It's definitely going to be a windows rolled down listening to 80's mix CD, burning off some post test stress in spinning class, venting with the girls kinda day.

1 comment:

crittermer said...

Hello, Michelita! It's fun to read about your med school life. I don't think you're going to be a street musician at all. A wonderful doctor you will be! I'm glad that you're coming to the "big city" this weekend to hang out!