
Visiting Family

Exhausted and "emocionada" would be two words to aptly describe me right now. We had another meeting with Amado and his family tonight. It was an hour and a half of my attempts at Spanish translation and of hearing about how awesome a God we serve. Amado recounted us about how he came to know Christ, about how our brothers in Christ visited him for over a year before he even decided to pick up his Bible to see what it contained, about how he would stay up hours into the night with only the light of a small burning pile of twigs searching the scriptures for truth, and how great a desire he has to share such hope and good news with other Hispanics in the area.
How often have I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, intently searching God's word? How many times have I been so eager to share that which God has given me that I would pursue those who are lost even if a year later they were still unresponsive? How many opportunities from answered prayers have I missed because I was searching out "my answer" and not where God was actually working? How many times are we content with just "being a good example" and not actually fulfilling our part of the great commission?
I'm happy to say that the first (and hopefully not last) meeting of the Central hispanic church will be this Sunday night at 6pm after spending a weekend with those of you in Ktown. Isn't God awesome?
I'll leave you with a translated verse from one of my new favorite Spanish Christian songs:

No soy religioso solo amo al Señor
Todo lo que hago es darle el corazon
No soy religioso solo amo al Señor
Vivo para amarle y ser testigo de su amor.

Les quiero mucho! Cuidate!!


Justin said...

That's awesome. I know your excited.

Anonymous said...

Hey michele,
I recently started to listen to spanish worship music and I heard the song that you have here. Do you know who sings it?