
Where in the World am I?

Or should I say will be? I've been thinking about this upcoming summer alot lately (yes I know I should be studying). It'll be my last free summer for quite some time and I'd like to take advantage of that. I could go back to Central America and do mission work, but then I could also do that for 2-3 months my 4th year when I actually know more about medicine and what I'm doing. I could also go to Nigeria for 3 weeks on a medical missions trip with Dr.Farrar and work at the hospital there. Then there's always the "backpacking Europe" trip I promised myself I'd do in college that I never did. I wouldn't mind seeing more of the world since it seems like each part I go to, God teaches me a new lesson about the people He's created.

Decisions, decisions....I was never good at making them.

Any suggestions or offers of companionship on my sojourn to wherever (the sky's the limit) would be greatly appreciated.

Back to studying. 1 final down (let's just say I kicked cadaver booty) and 2 to go!


Anonymous said...

You can always stop by Amarillo. We've got Palo Duro Canyon, and, uh . . . The Big Texan. Free 72 oz. steak if you eat it in one hour! And we can get our chill on. But, I guess I can understand if Europe sounds more interesting. Have a good one! Sain

Michele G said...

Hmmm. A cross country road trip....yet another possibility. Heebie-Geebie test here I come!

Asterix said...

I'd go for the Europe backpacking trip, if that's something you wanted to do but have been postponing for a while. Since you're going into long-term medical missions anyway, you'll have plenty of opportunities to serve in that realm later.

On the other hand, if you end up going on the cross-country trip, be sure to stop by here in California! :)

Anonymous said...

If you do the backpacking in Europe trip, try not to spend all your time in the big cities. From my experience, the best part of traveling the world is going by a tractor on a country road in a foreign land and having them wave and smile at you in the same way folks wave and smile from tractors here at home. It's a humbling, uplifting experience.

Go to Europe. Have fun. Be careful. (but don't forget Paris...)