
Look I'm Famous!


ok not really. I've come to the realization that the next two weeks are going to be as opposite of fun as possible. The key words are going to be stressed, studying, and sleeping (ok so maybe just the first two). Ahh, how I long for the days of undergrad when I could say "I have sooo much homework and studying to do for finals!" when really I could go catch the double feature at the drive-in two days before the exam, make 5am runs to Waffle house the morning of after staying up all night cramming, and still ace the class. Ain't gonna happen this time. Bye bye world until Dec 18th.

If you wanna talk to your over-stressed, under-relaxed med school nerd friend or think it'd be cool to hang out with her during the measly two weeks she gets for break, send her an email at michelegourley@yahoo.com or call her at 615-300-you know the rest...

I'm not checking my blog (or anyone's for that matter) until after exams so if you want to get in touch you're going to have to use the above mentioned methods or come see me in the least-visited town of Tennessee (JC) or Smyrna. Cheers and bask in your many hours of freedom of being an undergrad!

Time for class. Break's over.

Romans 12 and other inspiring thoughts that I'll write about when I get a chance.

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