
Here There and Everywhere

I had considered writing something profound like the case for divine design or purity vs. piety. However, considering the fact that my brain is a puddle of fried mush from Monday's exam this is going to be short and sweet. Despite the cold temperatures and snow-dusted landscapes on Johnson City, I must confess that my mind has been far outside of the pale walls of my academic prison. Instead I have been thinking about warmer weather and summer plans. This summer, I'm resolved to see everyone I know in the world (well, almost).
My sojourn will start with a few weeks in the exciting town of Smyrna, TN. Then my travels will commence with a trip Northwest with the parents to visit another exciting town in Idaho: Magic Valley (as well as side trips to Yellowstone and Salt Lake City). Since I haven't seen anything west of Dallas, I'm taking a few weeks to make a pilgrimage from Nashville to Nevada, perhaps to Cali-For-Ni-A. Of course, a summer wouldn't be complete without a trip to Central America. After much thinking and praying, God has led me to travel back to Guatemala to work with a church in Zacapa, Guatemala. I'm not sure why he's sending me to one of the poorest areas of the country or what an M1 gringa can do there, but there's obviously a reason. Finally, I'll spend another week with Health Talents doing mobile medical clinic in Southern Guatemala.
So my point in a round-about way is, if you happen to be along any of these routes or want to meet me, feel free to do so. Maybe my "It's a Small World" game (refer to previous post) will reach a new record!
Who knows, maybe I'll try to tackle the GSM's Lakeshore Trail too!

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