Aren't they adorable?
Dimas Miguel and Georgina Lopez
Managua, Nicaragua, September 2005
my "roommates" in Honduras in 2003 and
the children of my "second set of parents"
Do to increasing pressure from faithful blog readers, the management of this blog has decided to uphold their commitment to providing an update regarding the recent medical missions seminar. The management apologizes for any incovenience experienced over the past two weeks and attributes all delays in blogging to trying to cram everything there is to know about heart, lung, and kidney pathology into the small confines of a cranium before 8am Monday.
That being stated, on to the missions report...
Wow. Even though I haven't been able to go on a college retreat since...well...I was in college, this was definitely a retreat for me. It was so refreshing and encouraging to realize that there are still people out there who know what true Christianity is all about- that it's not about being part of an intellectually elite, somewhat PC, somewhat humanitarian group. Rather it's about being so in awe of what a wonderful Savior we have that one dedicates their whole life to bringing such good news to all those they come in contact with- the good news of a Savior who longs to gather us under his sheltering wings like a hen with her chicks. Or perhaps a Savior who can take away the detrimental thirst for alcohol and replace it with something that will never leave one thirsty. Or of a Savior who instead of waving a wand and saying the magic word, tirelessly attends to all those who need healing.
I had the opportunity to eat lunch with a couple who wouldn't limit God and his ability to help the country of Malawi, to watch an optometrist use his talents to allow others the opportunity to open their eyes to the Bible, to watch the 4 day journey up a river to bring hope to the forgotten of Nicaragua, and to hear story upon story of how people of all backgrounds and talents are thinking big ie not limiting God and thinking small ie not forgetting the individual person and purpose to bring the message of God's love to every corner of the world.
It has definitely caused this week to be one of conviction, convicted in God's calling for me, convicted in knowing more about this wonderful Savior who cared enough to seek out a little Michele some years ago, convicted to pray for all those he is still seeking, and convicted in the desire to prepare myself and seek out God's future plan for me. I only hope that I will allow him to use me in such a way as he has used those I saw this weekend.
Below are some links to some of the wonderful ways God is working throughout the world. Take a few minutes and check them out, pray for the work, and let missions change your life and the lives of others!
That being stated, on to the missions report...
Wow. Even though I haven't been able to go on a college retreat since...well...I was in college, this was definitely a retreat for me. It was so refreshing and encouraging to realize that there are still people out there who know what true Christianity is all about- that it's not about being part of an intellectually elite, somewhat PC, somewhat humanitarian group. Rather it's about being so in awe of what a wonderful Savior we have that one dedicates their whole life to bringing such good news to all those they come in contact with- the good news of a Savior who longs to gather us under his sheltering wings like a hen with her chicks. Or perhaps a Savior who can take away the detrimental thirst for alcohol and replace it with something that will never leave one thirsty. Or of a Savior who instead of waving a wand and saying the magic word, tirelessly attends to all those who need healing.
I had the opportunity to eat lunch with a couple who wouldn't limit God and his ability to help the country of Malawi, to watch an optometrist use his talents to allow others the opportunity to open their eyes to the Bible, to watch the 4 day journey up a river to bring hope to the forgotten of Nicaragua, and to hear story upon story of how people of all backgrounds and talents are thinking big ie not limiting God and thinking small ie not forgetting the individual person and purpose to bring the message of God's love to every corner of the world.
It has definitely caused this week to be one of conviction, convicted in God's calling for me, convicted in knowing more about this wonderful Savior who cared enough to seek out a little Michele some years ago, convicted to pray for all those he is still seeking, and convicted in the desire to prepare myself and seek out God's future plan for me. I only hope that I will allow him to use me in such a way as he has used those I saw this weekend.
Below are some links to some of the wonderful ways God is working throughout the world. Take a few minutes and check them out, pray for the work, and let missions change your life and the lives of others!
The Malawi Project
Health Talents International
Healing Hands
Glasses for Missions
Partners in Progress
International Health Care Foundation
So there you have it. The management regretfully informs its faithful clientele that future posts will be few and far between due to three assessments of the management's knowledge of pathology, neurobiology, and microbiology over the next two weeks. Should any one of the subscribers need to contact the management within that time period, phone calls and emails are very effective means of doing so. Que Dios les bendiga!
Amen! That was spectacular! (Jk; I know you're busy and you'll get around to writing eventually.)
Found the link for MPC:
This is yet another great organization with many facets (so I don't want to hear "but I'm not a doctor or a preacher so I can't serve" excuse) that works in some of the lesser known areas of Nicarauga. They do take summer interns so if those of you who have a grasp of Spanish (someone want to mention this to AnCharlene?), or even if you don't should consider checking them out.
Awesome. It is really inspiring, because sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves and our problems that we forget about others and theirs. Keep em' coming.
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