
Public Service Announcement

This is just a friendly Public Service Announcement to let you know that...

The 16th Annual Medical Missions Seminar is less than a month away!!

Who's going to be there? Everyone (including you right?)
Lots of great organizations will be represented including:

Health Talents International
Mision Para Cristo
The Malawi Project
International Health Care Foundation
and more!

It's a great experience to learn more about medical missions and what you can do to get involved (even if you're not a "medical" person). Such an event would cost several dollars but we're offering it to you at a special price: FREE.
If you have nothing better to do September 16-18th or any one of those days (weddings, studying for tests, or walking your dog do not count as "better things to do"), come make the short trip to Johnson City, Tennessee.

This has been a friendly service announcement from your over-studied, under-slept medical student friend :o)


kentbrantly said...

Hey Michele,
can you tell me more about the seminar, like where to find a schedule or if I need to register for it? I hope all is going well with you. Thanks for the service announcement.

Your under-studied, over-slept medical student friend,
kent <><

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