
A Day Off

I should be in Rogersville right now with my Rural Track colleagues. Instead, I'm "enjoying" the benefits of a day off. It seems that I brought back more than the cool shirt and tapestry I bought in Chichi from Guatemala. According to the doctor's visit yesterday, it appears that some little "critters" (not you Mer) have decided that my gut is a lovely place to build a starter home. The results won't be in for another week; in the meantime, it's back to taking lovely medicine and being a gracious host to my guests. Oh well. I suppose if I want to be a missionary it's necessary to learn to cope with all aspects of being a missionary, including the unpleasant ones.
On the bright side, God's allowing the missionary experience to continue here in the States. God's blessed me with the opportunity to start a women's Bible study for the Spanish-speaking women of the community. It's an exciting yet somewhat nerve-racking opportunity considering I've never led a study entirely in Spanish. After speaking to some of the women who have been coming to church and realizing that they have no idea what it means to be a daughter of God and haven't even heard of passages such as Proverbs 31, I can't get it out of my head how much these women need to know about how valuable they are and what it means to be God's precious daughter. I ask for your prayers for this opportunity and study.
It's time to hit the books again. I'm only a week and a half into school and already behind in my studies. It's definitely going to be an exciting and busy semester!


Justin said...

Yeah, until we all get to heaven, everyday we are on the mission field. You don't have to go far at all to find someone who needs Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog and I figured you'd be interested in advancing your life a bit, call us at 1-206-339-5106. No tests, books or exams, easiest way to get a Bachelors, Masters, MBA, Doctorate or Ph.D in almost any field.

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Hope to hear from you soon!

Michele G said...

Hmm. Obviously the anonymous commenter didn't read my blog carefully or else they would have realized that I'm advancing in my life quite nicely. Silly people.

Justin said...

You gotta love that blog SPAM.