I've seemed to notice that the number of blogs per week proportionally increases as the days until exams decrease. In a week, I'll be leaving the sleepy, almost-Appalachian city of Johnson City to begin my fun-filled summer in any place but Northeast Tennessee. Here's a preview of where you might see future posts from:
Smyrna, Tennessee: Of course I have to stop by home for a few weeks and see the parents, friends and family, and hear all the local gossip about who's married who and what new restaurant is in town.
Magic Valley, Idaho: In the early 60's my grandparents and their five kids packed up all their belongings and moved from Smyrna to Magic Valley, Idaho. No they weren't condoning the attitude of the 60's and moving to some hippie farm as the name suggests. Rather, my grandfather was helping start Magic Valley Christian College (for those of you who are Stone-Campbell "aficionados" you can look up MVCC in the new encyclopedia). Needless to say, putting a college in the middle of nowhere wasn't the greatest idea, and after less than two years they moved back to Tennessee. However, Dad has always wanted to return to Magic Valley so we're spending a week there as well as taking in some of the nearby attractions of Yellowstone.
Southwest: My friend Cammie and I were spending time together over winter break and realized that neither of us has ventured west of Dallas. This will all change come mid-June when we pack up her car, hit the road, and drive off into the sunset for a few weeks.
Guatemala: Of course a summer isn't complete without paying a visit to Central America. I've been blessed with the opportunity to return again to Guatemala to work with the Los Piñares del Norte church for a few weeks and with Health Talents International for one week. I'm not exactly sure of my itinerary, but God usually changes it to something more wonderful anyways. Vamos a ver.
So there you have it. Should any of you faithful blog readers be in any of these areas, come say hello. If you have any suggestions or random relatives who don't mind housing 2 20-somethings for a night or if you have any suggestions about things out west, let me know. Send me your address and perhaps I'll send you a postcard. For now it's back to the books and wishing it were next week.
1 comment:
tengo familia en el oeste de Texas, en la ciudad de Abilene. Mi hermana y su familia viven ahí. entonces, si pasas por Abilene, tienes una lugar para dormir.
about the encyclopedia of the stone-campbell movement, i recommend checking out the article on camps in churches of Christ. very interesting.
grace and peace,
kent <><
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