There's nothing more that will get your adrenaline going than hanging 20-30ft in the air by your fingers and toes on little molded pieces of fiberglass, relying on a few pieces of webbing and rope and the goodwill of your belayer. Hannah and I decided to go relieve a little post-test stress Tuesday afternoon by rockclimbing at the gym. It was a stress-relieving and humbling experience as I realized how pitiful my forearm strength is. Oh well...at least it gave the testosterone-ladened belayers a good laugh after we left I'm sure.
I think I'm going to survive med. school on silly little acronyms, pneumonics, and goofy little drawings (hence the oddly titled post). Then when I get out of med school, I'm going to publish a book with all my silly little study aids and use the proceeds to pay off my loans (hey, I'd buy a copy). Yeah, that's about the only hope I have of cramming over a semester's worth of material into my head for this Monday's test.
Other than having a mountain of studying to do and no time to do it, things are going well. My cousin is coming in tomorrow with Dr.Farrar and the Medical Missions Seminar is this weekend. Though I'll probably have to study through half of it, I'm excited. I've actually been given the privilege of speaking on behalf of Health Talents International about the MET program. It's my hope that others will be motivated to try it out and that it will lead them to want to do mission work. The seminar itself will be a nice refresher for me and a reminder of exactly why I'm here torturing myself with long nights of studying embryology, anatomy, genetics, everything else you could possibly cram into 27 hours of classes, etc..
Well, I'd better go remove my Anatomy study aids and books from the living room so my cousin doesn't freak out tomorrow when he comes. TTFN!
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