
The Macedonian Call

Wow! What a refreshing weekend it's been! I didn't realize how much I needed a redirection of my focus until Saturday. The seminar was a time of inspiration and encouragement as I listened to story after story of how God had called people with all types of talents and backgrounds to serve Him and how He had worked through their lives to impact the lives of so many others. It was great to meet Dr.Farrar and his wife and to hear their countless stories about living in Nigeria. They are definitely a source of inspiration, having kept their eyes on God and their hands serving Him for 50 years together, over 30 of that in medical missions. I can only hope that God will allow me to serve like them (though it looks like it may be solo, but I've got way to much else on my plate to worry about such things) and for as long.
Needless to say, though I've spent all day today studying HDBG, my mind has been thousands of miles away in lands where people haven't heard the gospel and the message of hope that it brings and where people are dying for a lack of basic health care. The Spirit touched me at the seminar yesterday, and I'll be praying to see where I'm led for more preparation next summer. Though I could hop on a plane tomorrow without a qualm, I understand how much more effective I can be in my service in a few years. If Christ took 30 years in preparation for His ministry, surely 26-29 years can't be too bad. In the meantime, like Isaiah in Isaiah 6, Here Am I, if I can't go right now, at least I can prepare myself between now and then and try to share the gospel here (after all there are more Christians in Africa now than the US).
It's getting late so I'd better wrap up my studying and pray that God blesses me with a clear mind tomorrow during my test!


Anonymous said...

Is that Henry and Grace Farrar??? They were acquaintances of my parents and one of the first missionary influences in my life. I'm glad to hear they're still influencing young folks toward missions. Have you read Grace's book?

Cindy Zacharias

crittermer said...

Okay, Michele, we all know you're the hot single med-school woman on the prowl. There's no need hinting at it on every single post.

As an act of good will, I'm thinking about posting an advertisement on my blog that clearly lets the world know that you and Nicoll are available. I'll just put your picture and all the facts about you up on my blog someday and it will sort-of be like e-harmony without the umpteen million dollar charge. It has the potential to be very effective with all my connections to the non-instrumental pro-kitchen Jesus-loving men out west I know. Of course, I haven't come up with one of them yet and I don't even require the knowledge of another language or the willingness to move to another continent (or ownership of a machine gun.) Maybe it's because I don't drop some pathetic comment about being single for the rest of my life on every blog entry.

I love you, Michele, and if you want to keep talking about your singleness on your blog, I'll still love you and maybe it will score you a husband someday. In the meantime, you're inspiring me to quit being so sarcastic on my blog and be more on the spiritual side (at least some of the time.)

Love, Auntie M <---Michele, this what the CSC girls call me this year because I am so stinkin' old and really don't fit in with the college group so well. But I can't go the young marrieds' class since I have no husband. I guess I'll just be like this for the rest of my life and I'll meet you in Central America on my summer breaks. (This is my first attempt at being really pathetic. I'll let you know how it works.)

Michele G said...

Hey Mer,

I was just about to take that comment off, realizing its patheticness (is that a word?), but I suppose I'll have to leave it on there just for you :o). Nah...I've decided being single is a good thing, so if you want to join me in Central America with my wood floor apartment and my big white fluffy cat, you're more than welcome, and Nicoll can come with the Justice League! Then we can start our own Bible class that has nothing to do with our marital status or our desire to change that status. Yep...sounds like a plan. In the meantime...if you do happen to find an un-stupid boy who wants to move to Central America just give me a ring ;o)!

-"Auntie Michele"