

Not exactly the word that would readily come to mind to describe the first day of medical school, but I can think of no other word that aptly describes my sentiments at this present moment.

Blessed because God guided me into the career where I can best serve Him and perform a job that I love.
Blessed because I have such a rare opportunity to attempt to understand the inner workings of God's greatest creation.
Blessed because I am part of a loving church family both at home and away.
Blessed because of an answered prayer in the form of the new Hispanic minister at Central and an opportunity to continue working in bringing "el evangelio" to new ears even here in the United States.
Blessed to have such a wonderful Savior who reached out to the lost sheep like myself.

It's going to be a blessed year, a year of hard work and long hours, but a joyful year.


crittermer said...

Thanks for sharing your blessings, Michele. I'm blessed to read your blog.

kentbrantly said...

Praise the Lord for opening your eyes to the blessings in your life. I hope that, as I get started with my first year of med school next week, God would open my eyes to the many blessings in my life as well. Thanks for your encouragement, and your example of seeking first the Kingdom - above all else. May this year be one of great opportunity with regard to matters of the Kingdom.
Two side notes: (1) I'd love to receive your mission report. (2) Did you ever figure out your October preceptorship details?
Que Dios te bendiga, hermana.