
Waste of Money

If flu vaccines are supposed to prevent the flu, then why did the doctor tell me today that I have it?

Stocking up on Gatorade and soup and preparing to spend the next few days in bed...


crittermer said...

Sorry to hear that you're sick.=( The exact same thing happened to me a few years ago. The doctor told me that there are different strains of the flu and that I had been vaccinated against the "wrong one." Definitely makes you feel like the vaccination is pretty futile.=)

Justin said...

Hope you get to feeling better. Did you not already know you had it? :(

Chara said...

So sorry you're feeling bad! I hope you're back up on your feet soon. I hope you didn't have to spend any time in the ER alone!

hope to see you soon-


Asterix said...

Hope you get well soon!

Dan Watkins said...

I hope you feel better soon! I've had the flu once in the past 6 years--it was the only year I got a flu shot. I don't take them anymore. Get some good rest!!

kentbrantly said...

You see, the influenza virus has these proteins in the viral envelope - hemaglutinin and nuraminidase - and... well, you already know all that.
I hope your cytokine levels stay low and you recover quickly.