
Books that Changed My Life

It's crazy how a few letters on a page grouped into a meaningful order of words can have such an impact on a person's life. Here's a few that have changed mine (in chronological order):

1. The Bible
A gimme. Hands down the best action-packed, romance, supernatural, who-dunnit, love story I've ever read. I don't think Christ or the message of Christ is what turns people off of Christianity. I think it's those who call themselves Christians but never actually learn about Christ or what he represents to humanity who disuade people from Christianity.
2. Mrs.Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. Gotta love senior high AP English.
3. The Chance to Say Goodbye by Janice Cross Kerlee
The events and my connection to the events more so than the book. Still a nice read.
4. Jesus MD by Dr. David Stevens
A great reminder to me of why I'm studying my tail off this month.
5. Christ the Sum of All Spiritual Things by Watchman Nee
Definitely a life-changer that made me realize God isn't Santa Claus and prayer is not a submission form for my every whim and want.
6. Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire
Every leader of short term (or long term) missions should read it. 'Nough said.
7.and the latest...Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot
Why did I not read this before? If I ever doubted about going into missions, all doubts have been erased.

So if you're not drowning in Step 1 notes, check out some of these. Even if you are, they're still a good excuse to take a study break :o).

"Throughout all our personality we are God's, and since God has made our whole selves, there is great joy is realizing who is our Creator. This realization is to permeate every area and level of life. In appreciation of beauty, mountains, music, poetry, knowledge, people, science...God is there, to reflect the joy of His presence in the believer who will realize God's purposes in all things" -Pete Fleming Through Gates of Splendor

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