One week until I leave for Guatemala. One week until I begin the journey that I have been looking forward to, though didn't know it, since the day I stepped off the plane last July. Many things have changed in that year and my glasses aren't so rose-tinted; I just hope my heart for the work and the people haven't changed. It will be a bittersweet trip-no trip to Honduras for the first time in years. My friends have been emailing me asking when I will return; I have to answer them "I don't know." It was my brothers/sisters/friends in Honduras that truly taught me what it was to live the life of a Christian and what it means to be a part of the family of God. Their unwilling devotion to the causes of Christ taught me it's not about saying "I'm a Christian. A member of the (insert favorite political party here) and actively involved in my community and church committees." Rather, it's about living a pure life of sacrificial love and a life whose purpose is to show Christ to everyone, taking that next step even when one doesn't know where that next step leads.
But I'm rambling as usual. I'm looking forward to Guatemala and what it holds whatever and wherever in Guatemala that may be. You could say I don't exactly know my itinerary but then do I ever know? I suppose this will be a week of preparation and prayer for me. I ask for your prayers too:
That I am open and willing to do whatever God asks of me
That he will open the hearts of the people we encounter
That language and cultural values will not be a barrier in sharing God's love with others
That He gives us all strength and courage to face whatever we encounter
Thanks for your prayers. I know the previous trips would have not been what they were without them. More to come later...
Kingman, Arizona
So I'm finally back from my epic roadtrip that ended a few days early (long story.) Let's just say that Southern Utah and Colorado will have to be seen on another trip (spring break anyone?) If given the chance, I think everyone should hit the road for a few days and explore a part of our country they haven't seen. It gives one an appreciation for the vastness and diversity that exists under the stars and stripes.
It was an amazing to camp in the Grand Canyon for three nights and days. I remember waking up one night and peeping my head out of our tent door like some little kid spying on mom putting "Santa's gifts" under the Christmas tree. What I saw were stars-thousands of tiny scintillations decorating the night-blackened sky. Do we even have that many stars in the sky here in Tennessee? I must have sat there in awe just gazing into the blackness until I realized that my tentmate might not like drafts of 40 degree night air joining us in our tent. Then there was the experience of Cammie and I watching the sun set at Hopi point with people from all around the world, each of us unsuccessfully in our own language trying to describe the transformation of the canyon's colors as each butte paid homage to the dying golden light before fading into the obscurity of evening.
Of course, anyone knows that a roadtrip is just as much about the journey as it is about the destination which leads me to an interesting story that happened to us in Kingman, Arizona:
The incident would have never happened except that I'm allergic to the Grand Canyon or to my tent or maybe just to the state of Arizona in general. Sunday morning Cammie and I awoke early and packed up our tent so that we could make it to Las Vegas in time to check into our hotel at go to church. Yes, I'm quite aware of the irony of the previous statement, but we had plans to go to church in Vegas that night. We ate breakfast at a local coffee shop and started our drive to Las Vegas.
As we descended in altitude, the pressure in my ears correspondingly increased. My left ear adjusted to the pressure changes but my right ear just wouldn't "pop." I tried everything to make it pop: Swallowing, chewing gum, taking Sudafed, holding my nose and blowing, saying the names of all my relatives 5 times backwards (ok so maybe not this one.) Nothing worked. Two hours later we were on one of those stretches of interstate that have the sign "No services for the next 65 miles" and my ear felt like someone was jabbing an ice pick into the canal. I've never experienced an ice pick being jabbed into my ear nor do I think that such a device would fit; however, I am certain that if such a thing could happen, it would feel just like the pain I was experiencing. Something had to be done.
About this time, we arrived at Kingman, Arizona and Cammie stopped for gas. The only time I had ever heard of Kingman, Arizona was in the famous song about the mother road, Route 66. While Cammie was trying to pump gas into the car, I ran in and asked the attendant where the nearest walk-in clinic or hospital was. Looking at me like I was slightly retarded the attendant replied that the nearest hospital was across the street. I walked out of the gas station and beheld a wonderful sight: on the other side of the street the large sign saying "Emergency Department." We drove across the street where I checked myself in. I must say, I felt somewhat silly signing my chief complaint as "right ear won't pop." It was if I had written "nasal laceration from hot dog injury." Fortunately, un-popping of right ears is high on the triage list because I was in and out of the busy ER within an hour and a half. Unfortunately, it wasn't high enough on the triage list to be seen by a physician, rather by a PA. We had a somewhat interesting and not so productive visit as shared below (my thoughts interjected):
PA: So how are you today?
Me: I should respond with fine, but if I were fine then I wouldn't be spending time visiting the ER. Good...I guess...
PA: So I see your "right ear won't pop?"
Me: Actually, my friend and I have been camping in the Grand Canyon for a few days, and my sinuses have been bothering me. This morning...
PA: (interrupting) Let me just look in your ear (looks in ear.) You seem to have a slight infection in your right ear. I'm going to give you a prescription for an antibiotic and a nasal spray.
Me: Ok. Thanks.....and what should I do for the pain and to make my right ear pop?
PA: You can try some Sudafed. You can purchase it at the drugstore.
Me: Are you kidding me? So you're telling me I could have saved lots of time and money by picking up another box of Sudafed? Tried it.
PA: Well...Sudafed's not a magic pill. It may take it a few times to work... I'm just going to listen to your heart and lungs before you go. If you have any further problems, I'd see your regular doctor.
Me: Apparently she didn't take Dr.Eason's physical exam course. I think the exam is supposed to come before the diagnosis. Does she realize that my primary care doctor is 2000 miles away? Ok. Well, thanks for your help.
I went to Walgreen's nearby and picked up my prescriptions (another long story) my right ear still unpopped. An hour and a half later and almost 6 hours since the initial pain, my ear finally popped about the time we were stuck in traffic driving over one of the engineering wonders of the world. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. The little girl in the room next door had (no joke) rocks in her ears.
So that's my experience with the famed Kingman, Arizona. Sometimes the journey is just as interesting as the destination.
It was an amazing to camp in the Grand Canyon for three nights and days. I remember waking up one night and peeping my head out of our tent door like some little kid spying on mom putting "Santa's gifts" under the Christmas tree. What I saw were stars-thousands of tiny scintillations decorating the night-blackened sky. Do we even have that many stars in the sky here in Tennessee? I must have sat there in awe just gazing into the blackness until I realized that my tentmate might not like drafts of 40 degree night air joining us in our tent. Then there was the experience of Cammie and I watching the sun set at Hopi point with people from all around the world, each of us unsuccessfully in our own language trying to describe the transformation of the canyon's colors as each butte paid homage to the dying golden light before fading into the obscurity of evening.
Of course, anyone knows that a roadtrip is just as much about the journey as it is about the destination which leads me to an interesting story that happened to us in Kingman, Arizona:
The incident would have never happened except that I'm allergic to the Grand Canyon or to my tent or maybe just to the state of Arizona in general. Sunday morning Cammie and I awoke early and packed up our tent so that we could make it to Las Vegas in time to check into our hotel at go to church. Yes, I'm quite aware of the irony of the previous statement, but we had plans to go to church in Vegas that night. We ate breakfast at a local coffee shop and started our drive to Las Vegas.
As we descended in altitude, the pressure in my ears correspondingly increased. My left ear adjusted to the pressure changes but my right ear just wouldn't "pop." I tried everything to make it pop: Swallowing, chewing gum, taking Sudafed, holding my nose and blowing, saying the names of all my relatives 5 times backwards (ok so maybe not this one.) Nothing worked. Two hours later we were on one of those stretches of interstate that have the sign "No services for the next 65 miles" and my ear felt like someone was jabbing an ice pick into the canal. I've never experienced an ice pick being jabbed into my ear nor do I think that such a device would fit; however, I am certain that if such a thing could happen, it would feel just like the pain I was experiencing. Something had to be done.
About this time, we arrived at Kingman, Arizona and Cammie stopped for gas. The only time I had ever heard of Kingman, Arizona was in the famous song about the mother road, Route 66. While Cammie was trying to pump gas into the car, I ran in and asked the attendant where the nearest walk-in clinic or hospital was. Looking at me like I was slightly retarded the attendant replied that the nearest hospital was across the street. I walked out of the gas station and beheld a wonderful sight: on the other side of the street the large sign saying "Emergency Department." We drove across the street where I checked myself in. I must say, I felt somewhat silly signing my chief complaint as "right ear won't pop." It was if I had written "nasal laceration from hot dog injury." Fortunately, un-popping of right ears is high on the triage list because I was in and out of the busy ER within an hour and a half. Unfortunately, it wasn't high enough on the triage list to be seen by a physician, rather by a PA. We had a somewhat interesting and not so productive visit as shared below (my thoughts interjected):
PA: So how are you today?
Me: I should respond with fine, but if I were fine then I wouldn't be spending time visiting the ER. Good...I guess...
PA: So I see your "right ear won't pop?"
Me: Actually, my friend and I have been camping in the Grand Canyon for a few days, and my sinuses have been bothering me. This morning...
PA: (interrupting) Let me just look in your ear (looks in ear.) You seem to have a slight infection in your right ear. I'm going to give you a prescription for an antibiotic and a nasal spray.
Me: Ok. Thanks.....and what should I do for the pain and to make my right ear pop?
PA: You can try some Sudafed. You can purchase it at the drugstore.
Me: Are you kidding me? So you're telling me I could have saved lots of time and money by picking up another box of Sudafed? Tried it.
PA: Well...Sudafed's not a magic pill. It may take it a few times to work... I'm just going to listen to your heart and lungs before you go. If you have any further problems, I'd see your regular doctor.
Me: Apparently she didn't take Dr.Eason's physical exam course. I think the exam is supposed to come before the diagnosis. Does she realize that my primary care doctor is 2000 miles away? Ok. Well, thanks for your help.
I went to Walgreen's nearby and picked up my prescriptions (another long story) my right ear still unpopped. An hour and a half later and almost 6 hours since the initial pain, my ear finally popped about the time we were stuck in traffic driving over one of the engineering wonders of the world. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. The little girl in the room next door had (no joke) rocks in her ears.
So that's my experience with the famed Kingman, Arizona. Sometimes the journey is just as interesting as the destination.
I just wanted to thank you for your prayers the past few weeks. My grandfather has made remarkable improvement, from coding in the hospital a few weeks ago to sitting up in a chair and talking with my mom last night. He's in a nursing home right now, and I'm not sure when/if he'll be able to come home seeing as how my grandma isn't in much better health than he. I suppose all things will continue to work out the way the Lord wills them.
After 2000 miles and 3 days on the road I'm home a few days early from a crazy and interesting trip out west. More to come on that when I've had time to recover from spending the majority of the past few days in the seat of a car watching I-40 fly by. It's been a crazy few weeks for the Gourley household. Gotta love the crooks and curves of life's road!
After 2000 miles and 3 days on the road I'm home a few days early from a crazy and interesting trip out west. More to come on that when I've had time to recover from spending the majority of the past few days in the seat of a car watching I-40 fly by. It's been a crazy few weeks for the Gourley household. Gotta love the crooks and curves of life's road!
Quick Request
If you could keep my 86 year old grandfather and my family (especially my mom) in your prayers, I'd appreciate it. My grandfather's been in and out of ICU at the hospital the past few days and I'm about to leave for a road trip out west for a few weeks though it looks like my trip may get cut short. I guess during times like these you just have to have faith that everything will work out the way it should. Thanks for your prayers.
A Week Out West
I was supposed to go with Mom and Dad to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir rehearse tonight. Instead, I'm waiting in my hotel room for a phone call from Guatemala to finalize plans for next month's trip. I thought I'd post a summary of the past few days, but then I realized, "How do you summarize a week of memories and unforgettable moments?" How do you describe one of the best worship services on a Sunday morning in a small town in Idaho, the peaceful setting of an agrarian community, the feeling upon seeing those snow-covered rocky sentinels surrounding a placid mountain lake, the sounds of solitude when the only visible man-made thing is the trail in front of you, or the wonder of a myriad of different bubbling waters erupting from the ground?
There's something about being among such grandiose creations that calms the worries in your soul and causes you to realize that your problems and fears are trivial in the grand scheme of life. It has been a joyful week of picking up all those little pieces of my life that have gotten lost on the wayside the past few years and remembering to savor the small surprises found in every day.
I thought I'd share a few pictiures from the past week:
Magic Valley Christian College

The site of the building where my dad used to live at MVCC in the quaint and dying town of Albion, Idaho.
Caution: Slow Moving Vehicles

One of our many encounters with wildlife while at Yellowstone. At last count, we'd seen buffalo, elk, big horn sheep, buffalo, swans, bald eagles, buffalo, black bear, grizzly cubs, buffalo, geese, yellow-bellied marmots, ground squirrels, and numerous species of birds. Did I mention that we saw buffalo?
The Great Divide

Yes, that's snow in the background! It was freezing cold most of our visit which sent me scrambling to the store for a hat and wearing every bit of semi-warm clothing I'd brought (the weather man said it'd be 60 degrees-can't trust weathermen.)
Clepsydra Geyser

One of the many wonders of our nation's first national park.
Grand Tetons

This picture was taken from Jackson Lake. It certainly doesn't portray the imcomprable beauty of these lofty peaks.
What can I say? The West is a beautiful place. I wonder if they'll need an MD in a few years?
There's something about being among such grandiose creations that calms the worries in your soul and causes you to realize that your problems and fears are trivial in the grand scheme of life. It has been a joyful week of picking up all those little pieces of my life that have gotten lost on the wayside the past few years and remembering to savor the small surprises found in every day.
I thought I'd share a few pictiures from the past week:
Magic Valley Christian College

The site of the building where my dad used to live at MVCC in the quaint and dying town of Albion, Idaho.
Caution: Slow Moving Vehicles

One of our many encounters with wildlife while at Yellowstone. At last count, we'd seen buffalo, elk, big horn sheep, buffalo, swans, bald eagles, buffalo, black bear, grizzly cubs, buffalo, geese, yellow-bellied marmots, ground squirrels, and numerous species of birds. Did I mention that we saw buffalo?
The Great Divide

Yes, that's snow in the background! It was freezing cold most of our visit which sent me scrambling to the store for a hat and wearing every bit of semi-warm clothing I'd brought (the weather man said it'd be 60 degrees-can't trust weathermen.)
Clepsydra Geyser

One of the many wonders of our nation's first national park.
Grand Tetons

This picture was taken from Jackson Lake. It certainly doesn't portray the imcomprable beauty of these lofty peaks.
What can I say? The West is a beautiful place. I wonder if they'll need an MD in a few years?
Blog on a Break
Last night was one of those deja vu moments. As we boarded the bus in the rain to traverse the city on our prayer campaign, I was sharply reminded of Tuesday nights in Honduras. You see, most Tuesday nights some of the Baxter students and myself would meet at the clinic to catch the church bus in the rain (it always rains at night in Honduras) to go to church. There we would spend the hour in small prayer groups praying for whatever was on our hearts or sharing how God answered our prayers the week before. It was a fond recollection as the church in Smyrna rode the bus(es) together last night and gathered in prayer.
Due to the overwhelming demands I have made on my blog, it has decided that it needs a vacation. Besides, I don't think that towns with populations of less than 300 people nor the vast wilderness of the national parks provide ready access to the internet. Therefore, it is unlikely that you'll be hearing from me for the next week or so. However, I will have my cell phone with me should it work or you can try to reach me by homing pigeon (I hear they find Old Faithful quite delightful.)
Trite as it may seem, I ask for your prayers for our safety and that everything goes smoothly the next week. I hope you all have a wonderful week wherever you may be!!!
Due to the overwhelming demands I have made on my blog, it has decided that it needs a vacation. Besides, I don't think that towns with populations of less than 300 people nor the vast wilderness of the national parks provide ready access to the internet. Therefore, it is unlikely that you'll be hearing from me for the next week or so. However, I will have my cell phone with me should it work or you can try to reach me by homing pigeon (I hear they find Old Faithful quite delightful.)
Trite as it may seem, I ask for your prayers for our safety and that everything goes smoothly the next week. I hope you all have a wonderful week wherever you may be!!!
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